Every purchase with your Q Mastercard or Q Card from Monday 1 to Wednesday 31 July 2024 is a chance to WIN^ $5,000 cash. There are 6 prizes to be won. There's no minimum spend, so whether you're buying a hot choccy or a whole new winter wardrobe, put it on Q and cross your fingers (or knitting needles).
Remember, you enjoy 3 months zero interest, zero payments* on all Q purchases (Standard Interest Rate of 28.95% p.a. applies after interest free period).
Stay warm!
Shop with your Q Mastercard wherever Mastercard is accepted in-store & online. Plus, pay easily on the fly with your digital wallet.
Shop with your Q Card at thousands of retailers online and around the country.
All information relating to this Prize Draw (including but not limited to how to enter and the nature of the prizes) forms part of these terms and conditions of entry.
^$5,000 Winter Warmer Prize Draw Terms & Conditions.
*Lending criteria, $50 annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Cs apply. Zero interest, zero payments for three months is available on all Q Card and Q Mastercard Standard Purchases (excludes Long Term Finance and Cash Advances). Standard Interest Rate, currently 28.95% p.a., applies to outstanding balance at end of interest free period. Other interest rates and fees may apply. See qcard.co.nz for full details. Rates and fees are correct as at date of publication and are subject to change.